Through a combination of unseasonably warm weather and having to use up time off from work I decided to go out for lunch and a ride today. It's been at least a month since I've been on the SR/S, so it was nice to be back in the saddle. I took the back roads out to Ludlow and circled around the back of Clee Hill before heading up to the golf ball to take in the view.
Even with the greasy roads there was more than enough grip and feel to get a bit of lean on. From the top of Clee Hill I descended to Cleobury Mortimer to get lunch at the Cleobury Cafe.
While strolling through the town an older gent on a Speed Triple pulled up beside me, asking for directions to Whitchurch. Respect due for foregoing maps and navigating purely by memory, but in this case he was heading west when his destination was north, so a good thing he wasn't pressed for time.
After a good wash down and dry off it seems it is time to put the SR/S to bed for the winter.